Lead Stallion for the Dakota rodeo Born to Buck program. Awarded the Gold Seal from the Bucking Horse Breeders Association. This coveted award is presented to horses and their offspring that have qualified for the NFR. In 2016 Chirocoa and two horses he sired qualified for the NFR.
2017 NFR Qualifier
Bridle Showers made his debut in the 2016 NFR and the American. Great one to draw! Chad Ferley won the 2015 American Royal on this horse. Jake Wright won Mercedes TX, Louie Bronson won Mandan ND. High marked horse at Cheyene Frontier days.
All the cowboys love this one! If they ride him they are at the pay window. Qualified for the 2014 and 2015 NFR. Arena record at Pine City MN 88 points by Tim O' Connell. Casey Breuer set an arena record at Medford WI 88.5 points.Ty Breuer won Deadwood SD on him in 2015.